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How to install a solar sensor light

How to install a solar sensor light

Step 1. Position the light

First, figure out the best position for your light and solar panel.

Step 2. Remove the mounting bracket

Take the mounting bracket off the light before you put it up.

Step 3. Mark and pre-drill the holes

Position the bracket where you want your light to go and mark your holes. Then predrill them.

Step 4. Screw on the bracket

Reposition the bracket and screw it in place.

Step 5. Attach the sensor light

Attach the sensor light to the bracket and angle it in the right position.

Step 6. Mark and pre-drill holes

Find a sunny spot for the panel. Mark the position of the holes and then pre drill them.

Step 7. Screw on the panel

Now screw the panel into place by hand. Then angle it up towards the sun.

Step 8. Plug in the power cable

Run the power cable over to the sensor light and plug it in. Then wait for the sun to charge the batteries.

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